Technetium-99m is the hallmark technetium isotope employed in the nuclear medicine industry. Its low-energy isomeric transition, which yields a gamma-ray at ~140.5 keV, is ideal for imaging using Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT). Several technetium isotopes, such as 94mTc, 95gTc, and 96gTc, which are produced via (p,n) reactions using a cyclotron on molybdenum targets, have also been identified as potential Positron Emission Tomography (PET) agents. Technetium-101 has been produced using a D-D fusion-based neutron generator from the 100Mo(n,γ)101Mo reaction on natural molybdenum and subsequent beta-minus decay of 101Mo to 101Tc. Despite its shorter-half life (i.e., 14.22 min), 101Tc exhibits unique decay characteristics suitable for radioisotope diagnostic or therapeutic procedures, where it has been proposed that its implementation, as a supplement for dual-isotopic imaging or replacement for 99mTc, could be performed by on-site production and dispensing at the point of patient care.

Spectrum (Fullscreen)

5 minute measurement with a High Purity Germanium (HPGe) radiation detector.


Isotope: Technetium
Mass number: 99
Atomic number: 43
Neutron number: 56

Sources and Further Read

